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Most people can hardly wait to be free from the burden of work, but they are often surprised to discover that it can be difficult to adapt to a “self-decision” lifestyle.

In the fast paced age of internet, most people spend forty or more years working in a situation where their days are highly structured – free time is fleeting and a luxury to be savored. It takes time and planning to continually create meaning in the third phase of your life. We offer customized retirement education presentations for people of all ages. The following are some of our most popular sessions:

Roadmap to Success for the Generation X

As people age, and get closer to retirement, their interests, and their priorities, change. Consequently, there is no one-size-fits-all Retirement Life-Plan.

There is no doubt that living in Bermuda is expensive. Between the simple cost of housing, raising a family, school fees and peer pressure to accumulate luxury goods, it can be very difficult for people in their thirties and forties to get serious about saving for retirement. Even those who contribute regularly to pension plans assume that their current income level will continue without interruption once they leave the workforce. They may have good intentions, but they lack the budgeting knowledge and financial decision making confidence to adequately prepare for their future.

This workshop offers a multi-phase strategy approach:

The Olderhood “MAP” workshop identifies 3 phases of the retirement planning process (Mobilize ~ Amplify ~ Protect) and created a unique workshop to help younger employees understand how to think about their futures and get themselves on the right retirement planning path.

  • Mobilize:
  • The first phase typically starts around age 35 through age 50 where the emphasis is predominantly on financial analysis and decision-making. Projected income at retirement, from pensions, savings and investment income, and any other forms of income, should be determined. There should never be a “too soon to predict” hesitation.
  • Amplify:
  • As the age timeline moves forwards, the need to “lock-in” retirement income streams gains momentum and importance. In the 50-60 age bracket it is dangerous to take unnecessary risks or to be making irrational or wild investments. Daily lifestyles should be comfortably maintained as much as possible certainly, however, bad decisions at this age could cause irreparable damage in retirement.
  • Protect:
  • While retirement concerns will always arise in one way or another, it is useful to be aware of the impact that certain decisions may have on retirement living. Planning to avoid such events may not always be possible, but knowledge of how some issues can cause emotional distress could well assist in avoiding, or mitigating the decision in the earlier years.

NOTE: This informative group workshop can be enhanced by a personalized “retirement readiness assessments” which can be completed online in advance of the training, and a follow-up online “money management” online webinar that can be completed afterward on the employees own time, at their own pace in the comfort and privacy of their own home.

Who this workshop is for: anyone aged 35-50

How this workshop helps:

  • This workshop helps participants change how they think about retirement
  • It addresses: budgeting issues, health & fitness, family drama, failure to plan, fear of outliving your money, and the downside to complacency, decision making paralysis, and conspicuous consumption
  • Realize that future planning is a life process, not just something that you worry about at the end of your career
  • Employees who embrace mature life planning skills are more contented and focused at work.
  • Helps employees come to terms with tough financial realities at a particularly vulnerable stage of life when they frequently have large debts and minimal financial safety net to fall back on
  • Fits seamlessly into an existing corporate wellness or employee enrichment program
  • Retirement education is a cost-effective way to make employees feel valued.
  • It is an effective cost effective way both to maintain your present workforce and to attract the best qualified new employees

Strategies for the Sandwich Generation

In the last twenty years, the nature of retirement has undergone a radical transformation. As employees age, they are faced with increasing personal and financial challenges that distract them from their work and affect their productivity while they are still in your employ.  As an employer, it is just smart business to help your employees address these issues by providing them with hands on training, tools, and e-Books that they need and appreciate.

This workshop addresses strategies for dealing with:

  • Stress of caregiving
    • Excessive absenteeism due to caring obligations
    • Faltering job performance / career advancement obstacles
    • Budgeting & money management
    • Anger & resentment
  • Family drama
    • Adult children who have returned home
    • Grandparenting /surrogate parenting
    • Aging parents
  • Money worries
    • Financially supporting extended family
    • Saving for own retirement
    • Poor communication skills
    • Outliving own retirement savings

NOTE: This simple group workshop is enhanced by a personalized “retirement readiness assessment” which can be completed online in advance of the training, and a series of follow-up online webinars that can be completed afterward on the employees own time, at their own pace in the privacy of their homes for maximum learning with minimal work interruption.

Who this workshop is for: anyone aged 50-70

 How this workshop helps:

  • Our programs assist human resources professionals and employees equally by teaching employees how to develop life goals and objectives.
  • Employees who embrace mature life planning skills are more contented and focused at work.
  • Retirement education is a great way to introduce life management and lifestyle transition planning tools to workers of any skill level.
  • Retirement education is a cost-effective way to make employees feel valued.
  • Retirement lifestyle planning incorporates a health and wellness module that is a seamless fit with any corporate wellness initiative.
  • It is an effective cost effective way both to maintain your present workforce and to attract the best qualified new employees.

not exactly what  you were looking for?

Our unique presentations are available for a wide range of subjects and can be tailored to any specific length of time or audience demographics.  Our customized group sessions can be conducted on your premises or any suitable off-site location. Contact us to discuss your needs today at